Tilezen tileserver的評論

Tilezen tileserver

Language: Python
Layer definitions: SQL in jinja2 templates, YAML
Vector tile formats: Mapbox Vector Tiles, TopoJSON, and GeoJSON
Data source support: PostGIS
Tilezen tileserver was written by Mapzen to replace their TileStache-based vector tile generation. Having been written by developers who wrote previous vector tile servers, it combines ideas and functionality other options don’t have.
The datasource definitions are written in SQL + YAML, a common choice, but unlike other options, the SQL is in its own files which are preprocessed by the jinja2 templating engine. This adds some complexity, but a great deal of power. Selecting different features by zoom level normally requires repetative SQL and lengthy UNION ALL queries, but the preprocessing allows queries to be written more naturally.
Tileserver’s unique feature is the post-processing capabilities it offers. This allows vector tiles to be operated on after the database, altering geometries, changing attributes, and combining geometries. Post-processing to reduce size is a necessary feature if targeting mobile devices on slower connections. Mapbox had been working on this in the open, but now that they no longer use node-mapnik it’s not clear how they do so. MapQuest had developed Avecado to specifically target this, but it became abandoned when they stopped doing their own map serving.
You don’t need any AWS services for a basic Tilezen tileserver deployment, but there might be some dependencies in the more advanced features needed to set up a full production environment.




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